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Prices & Examples: Welcome

Commission Info

Here's a list of services I offer. Please be sure to read each one so that you know what you'd like when you go to order. Thank you.

Additional Charges:
Complex Characters: To be discussed.
Additional Characters: Add 1/2 the base price .
Background other than a solid color/gradient/pattern: To be discussed.

Chibi Headshot


A headshot done in my chibi style of a character of your choice. Can be either flat color, cell shaded, or soft shaded. Generally has exaggerated big eyes, and I can exaggerate other features if desired.

Chibi Half Body


A chibified half body of you character. Can be flat color, cell shaded, or soft shaded. Can have either exaggerated or stylized eyes, and usually other features are simplified down to fit the style.

Chibi Full Body


A chibi fullbody of your character. A lot of features are simplified down to fit the style. Can be flat color, cell shaded, or soft shaded. Complex designs will incur an addition charge, and must be discussed before the commission is accepted.

Standard Headshot


A headshot of your character done in my normal art style. Can be flat color, cell shaded, or soft shaded.

Standard Half Body


A half body of your character done in my normal art style. Can be flat color, cell shaded, or soft shaded.

Standard Full Body


A full body piece of your character. Can be flat colored, cell shaded, or soft shaded. These pieces generally take a bit longer than my other ones.

Waitress Base Ref Sheets: Mini


{Click the image to see the full version}


A mini reference sheet of your character done on Waitress's  Short/Tall stack base, with 2-3 outfits on either outfit maker base, mini back view, and eye/mouth/paw zooms included. Interest items cost an additional $5.

Waitress Base Ref Sheets: Full


{Click the image to see the full version}

A front / back reference sheet of your character done on Waitress's Chrysalis base. 2-3 Outfits on either outfit maker base, and eye/mouth/paw zooms included. Interest items cost an additional $5.

++ Customs can be done on this base, but please know what species you'd like, and at least a general color palette and basic marking ideas for me to go off of. ++

Prices & Examples: Products

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